Friday 21 March 2014

The Return of Miss Moanie Crohnie!

Guess who's back? Miss Moanie Crohnie's back!

Hello my lovelies!
I am so sorry it's been so long since I've blogged! I have been so very very busy with just life; Uni work, Miss Pinup UK, work etc etc 
But I finally have my iPad set up so I am blogging to you directly from my latest infliximab infusion. 

So let's have a catch up...

Infusion selfie!
 Christmas Day was wonderful.
 Boxing Day was spent on the farm with my boyfriend.
New Year was a glam night partying into the New Year
 I have been featured in Vintage Life magazine talking all about the Miss Pinup UK competition
I had the incredible opportunity to perform at Sadlers Wells
Photo shoot with the incredible Terry Mendoza at
My latest photo shoot with the fabulous Deadly is the Female!
Photography by Kevin Mitchell, Hair by Lolita Noir and Make-up by Jenn Chambers

That's what I have been up to but more importantly how's my Crohn's disease?

The infusions seem to have done their job and I have been really well, up until now. Over the past couple of weeks sadly its been flaring up a bit with bad abdominal pain, frequent visits to the bathroom, blood where there shouldn't be blood and some other pleasant symptoms. This has all been kicking off as its that time of year at uni, assessment time. Naturally I am stressed and that just can't be helped so sadly it's making my tummy unhappy which is just making everything more stressful. Luckily though the hospital have been a great help and booked me in to have my infusion early to boost me up before my main assessments in the next couple of weeks. So fingers cross this does the trick!

3pm: Well I am plugged in and going! My veins didn't really want to co-operate today. My right arm has always been stubborn with canulars and blood test but my left arm has been so over used it could do with a break! My last blood test my right arm gave blood (woohoo!) but today it doesn't want to know and when it's a canular being prodded into your arm it hurts a lot more. Luckily my left arm is being good and the canular is in but still with a bit of pain. It makes things really awkward having a canular in your arm, I'm having to type this one handed! When the saline is put through its a really strange feeling as its all chilly going through me. The stuff they also flush through, the anti-allergy medication, really stings as it goes through and I can strangely taste it but it also makes me rather sleepy and dopey. But once I am plugged into the drip everything is fine and dandy and now I only have to be plugged in for an hour and a half so that's good. 

All has gone well and hopefully this will get me through my exams and then it'll be time to chill over the Easter break.

Today's infusion.

I will try my hardest to keep up with blogging but for now stay happy and healthy :)

Mwah x