Sunday, 9 June 2013

Miss Moanie Crohnie Welcomes You!

Miss Moanie Crohnie Welcomes You!
Miss Moanie Crohnie aka Sarah
Welcome to the official Miss Moanie Crohnie blog! I wanted to create this blog in order to share my thoughts and experiences of suffering with the invisible disease that is Crohn's disease. It's taken me a long time to come to terms with my illness, to accept that it will be with me for a life time and as of yet there is not cure. So for now I can have a good rant and moan but also share some love via this blog. Therefore, I welcome you into my little world, a world where Crohn's disease does not control me.
(WARNING: This blog is completely honest! Crohn's is not nice! Apologies as well for any swearing etc but sometimes it's just needed!)
My name is Sarah Wingrove and I am 18 and currently studying dance and drama at University and this is my story. I was first diagnosed with Crohns disease in 2009 when I was 15 . I had been experiencing constant sickness feeling, fatigue and I had just had enough! After visiting my GP I was sent to see a paediatric doctor at Bath Royal United Hospital with the initial thought I was suffering with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I under went blood tests and X-rays and from this I was first told that it could be Crohns disease. I had absolutely no clue what so ever what the hell crohns disease was! All I knew is that it did not sound nice!
I was then transferred to Bristol Children's Hospital to seek a specialists opinion. I went on to have more tests; my first MRI scan (Which was terrifying!!), a nuclear scan where they took away my blood and then put it back in all radioactive, an endoscopy and colonoscopy (Thank goodness I was put to sleep!) and never ending amounts of blood tests. So many that when I have blood test nowadays I am told by the nurses my arms looks like that of a drug junkie!
So from all this I was finally diagnosed as having crohns disease. A disease I was told that would be with me for a life time with no cure in sight. Wow.
Crohn's disease I find hard to define because sometimes it's just embarrassing to do so! In my opinion it's where part's of my bowel become inflammed and then the lining becomes damaged as food tries to pass through. It's bloomin painful!! Ladies, imagine period pain...times 10! Sadly, no one knows what cause a flare up of crohn's it's just something that has to try and be controlled by medication, surgery etc.
After being diagnosed and being given my first set of tablets to try (Pentasa) I suffered a severe flare up. During this time I was sitting my final year of GCSE's and I think the stress just got to me of exams and being diagnosed that unfortuantely I flared up, big time! I was set on a course of a 6 week fluid diet which meant 6 weeks of no eating just drinking medicated milkshakes which can only be described as tasting fucking awful! I ended up spending 10 weeks on the medicated milkshakes and it was probably one of the toughest times of my life.
To date thankfully that has been my worst flare up. Today as I sit and type to you I am not in complete remission but I am not on a road to giving in! My medication today consists of 4 azaithioprine tablets daily, 2 mepredec tablets daily and a weekly injection of Humira. To me it doesn't sound like much I am just thankful that I am reasonably healthy so that I can live my life to the full.
So that's the start of my story about living with crohn's disease, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next...
P.S. I didn't mention that Crohn's disease also badly effects toiletting in ways I wish not to discuss but it is a part of crohn's disease so it is a part of me which need not be mentioned in this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of Crohns blogging. Good start. I shall keep a keen eye on your blog. It's interesting to hear other people's life with the disease.
