Beautiful Day for an MRI Scan
Hello to my lovely readers :)
Well this sunshine is lasting longer than we all expected-HOORAY!
Hope your all making the most of having a proper summer!
My dog Rex getting his shades out ready for the summer sun!
This week's blog is all about my adventure to go and have an MRI scan but it's also the first blog that as I am writing I am suffering because of my crohn's.
My MRI scan is the last of all my recent scans to see whether over the past couple of years my crohn's has become worse or if it has stayed the same. I have had MRI scans previously so I knew what to expect but this time I had to some prep similar to that of a colonoscopy...
A couple of day's before my scan I had to eat light meals consisting of food's such as egg's, white bread, rice and cheese (basically beige coloured food). The night before my MRI scan after 10pm I could not eat any food until after my MRI scan the next day, I could only drink clear liquids but I also had to take a tablet called Dulcolax, that's right a laxative!
I won't go into details about this experience but the day of my MRI scan I felt very rough, almost like having a hangover you just can't shift!
The morning of my MRI scan I was confined to being at home near the bathroom but also to my bed as I felt so tired and rough I just kept collapsing into a heap on my bed to rest. After 12pm I wasn't allowed any more clear liquids which in this hot weather was not nice! My appointment was set for 3.05pm however I had to be at the hospital 45 minutes early for yet more prep. This prep involved drinking a large jug full of solution which helps to make my insides clearer on the MRI pictures. I was more than happy to drink this solution after not drinking for nearly 3 hours and it was soon gone to the surprise of the nurse!
So I was finally taken into the MRI scanner suite...
MRI scanner
After removing my shoes and glasses I was asked to lie down on the bed whilst the nurses put a canular into my arm so that a bowel relaxing drug and a dye could get injected into me whilst I was in the scanner. I always find canulars to be particularly uncomfortable but you just got to put up with it for a short amount of time. I was then asked to gently turn over to lie on my stomach with both my arms abover my head (almost like a superman pose!) The nurses then placed panels across my back and strapped me in to make sure I stayed as still as possible whilst in the scanner in order to achieve a clear picture. After putting headphones on so I could listen to my choice of music (Mumford and Sons of course!) and so that I could hear from the team what was going on and any instructions. I was also given a buzzer in one of my hands in case I need to get out of the machine for whatever reason. Once I was all set to go I was moved into the scanner.
I will admit that the scanner is bloody loud and it does ring in your ear! And it is scary! The actual sound of the scanner is like lots of different buzzing alarms at different paces and pitches. But through just closing your and listening to your own music and having to focus on instructions about breathing your mind doesn't have time to be afraid. The actual scan is over in no time at all and I was bought back out, had my canular removed (which didn't bleed everywhere this time!) and I was soon free to go.
The MRI scan all went well but due to the laxative I am still suffering and it has upset my crohn's making it rather painful and uncomfortable and I am still visiting the bathroom often but hopefully after a good night sleep I'll be as right as rain :)
This made me giggle!
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of the week :)
Mwah x
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