Friday 23 August 2013

Up and Down and Round and Round!

Up and Down and Round and Round!
Hello All :)
Really sorry for a very late blog! It's been an extremly busy few week's which means my crohn's has been a bit up and down!
I have been doing all sorts from going to watch Paloma Faith, celebrating my amazing supportive boyfriend's 21st birthday to taking part in a increidble production of Singing in the Rain. During these busy spells I have to be super careful and conscious of things such as making sure I am eating properly and resting enough because it's so easy just to forget about looking after me (which sounds a bit selfish but it's so crucial!) and then I end up being really unwell, holting everything I do and love!

Something I have noticed in particular during this busy time is how my stomach size and appearance changes, it can be quite drastic. I can't explain very well why my stomach bloats up but I'll try! When my crohn's is active my stomach and bowel become over sensitive therefore as it tries to continue it's normal process it can't so bloats up almost to protect everything on the inside. It's quite common for the bloating to occur around afternoon/evening time which can be a right pain in the ass if you want to go out for the evening because your just all puffed up! This bloating can be very painful and can sometimes be so bad that I actually look pregnant! Which for being a 19 year old is bloody horrible!

This has taken a LOT of guts (no pun intended!) to post but the left image is my normal stomach and the right is how badly bloated my stomach can become. It look's like it could be a pregnant tummy!

I have particulary found that when I am stressed my crohn's is triggered off and I become badly bloated. For example I have been rehearsing daily for a production of Singing in the Rain whilst also planning and sorting out my boyfriends 21st surprise birthday party. I found that on the day of my boyfriend's birthday I worked myself up and stressed myself out more than I probably should of, worrying about hundreds of things when I should of relaxed and had a more positive mind. Then when it came to the party once I began to relax my stomach then started to play up. It got so bad when we went out to party the night away that my stomach bloated up to look pregnant and was so painful and uncomfortable that sadly I had to go home. It can be really disheartening as it seems like something that is so silly but it can ruin my every day plans not just for me but for other people, I feel as though I can't enjoy a normal life because there is always the risk that my crohn's will show it's ugly head. Also, as a young women it can really upset me as it can so drastically change my appearance sometimes so much that my clothes don't fit and I can't go out because I feel disgusting and that I just look horrible. On a more positive note I am learning methods that have helped the bloating to become less painful and less prominant such as breathing exercises to help calm myself and having soft foods such as soups and yoghurts so hopefully this will help in the future.

To end on a happy note here as some photo's of the exciting thing's I have been doing :)

My Birthday celebrations from my wonderful boyfriend :)
 Paloma Faith gig
My boyfriend's 21st birthday cake!

Singing in the Rain!

I have been given my date for my first infusion in a couple of weeks time so I shall be writing a live blog to let you all know how it goes.

Till next time my lovelies :)
Mwah x

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