Thursday 5 September 2013

A day on a drip

A day on a drip!
Here it is my first live blog at 2.32pm! Sadly due to lack of internet connection I can’t actually post this out straight away but I am typing away as I am plugged into the Remicade drip. It’s actually surprisingly easy to type with this thing in my arm.

Remicade Leaflet
I am currently about half way through the process and feeling pretty good just feeling a bit drossy. But weirdly I am excited also because I know finally that something is being done and fingers crossed I will be feeling better and get back to my normal self, YAY J

My appointment today should have been at 11am but due to a busy morning I had to wait an hour before anything could happen, so off Shannon and I popped for a cuppa tea. I returned at 12pm and after a little bit more waiting I was finally taken through to get settled in. I have a massive very comfy green chair to sit in, reclines and everything. The nurses here are all super lovely and are making me feel very comfortable and happy which is good because I am a bit scared because you never know what may happen. I first had my blood pressure, heart rate and temperature checked and thank goodness all is good. Once the drip began I then had these tests done again and again every half an hour to keep check. After a few yes no questions about how I’m feeling such as did I have a sore throat or a cough etc I was ready to rock and roll. The canular was put into my arm and normally I find them really painful but this one was actually alright. I had bloods taken to be sent off and checked and as per usual I bled everywhere again. I also had what seemed like lots of saline flushed through to keep everything clean. It was weird because I could feel it going through my arm, made it all cold. I was finally ready to hook up to the drip.

Canular in my arm
So I am now hooked up and going and all seems to be going well. YAY! I have about another hour on the drip to go and then I will have to wait 2 hours to check that I am okay and not having a bad reaction to the medication at all.

Hooked up to the drip

For now I will leave it there and then once I am all done, home and settled I will finish off and add photo’s too J
Speak soon!
So I am finally back home and snuggled up in bed as I am knackered! It's really weird I feel as though I have done nothing today and yet I am so tired. I have already have a half hour nap and an hour nap and can't wait for bed time! So I will keep this part short.
Once my drip had emptied (and the machine had beeped a lot at me!) they then washed through the drip with saline to keep it all clean. Whilst I was waiting for this to drain through I had a lovely chat to the gentleman next to me and his wife. He was in for a Endoscopy and after explaining what I was in for he couldn't get over how young I was and what I was having to go through. It was really touching as this complete stranger was being so caring and campassionate.
The drip nearly empty
After the drip had finished and the canular removed from my arm I had to sit about for a bit just to check I wasn't going to have a bad reaction or anything. I had a mini worry that they would keep me in longer as I had a bit of a temperature but I managed to persuade the nurses that all I wanted to do was go home.
It's been a really positive day and hopefully life will start to get back in order but for now I am glad to be home and snuggled in bed!
Till next time lovelies :)

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